
Basic Certificate
The Basic Certificate is an overview of how to care for people, particularly women in hard places. These are out-sourced programs that teach listening skills, crisis care, the effect of trauma on the whole person, and the Holy Spirit’s role in healing. The Basic Certificate is an excellent course for any pastor’s wife, women’s mentor, missionary, or caregiver.
- Agape International Missions: Stop Human Trafficking
- Community Mapping: Moving Toward Action
- Hands That Heal: Faith Alliance Against Slavery and Trafficking
- Church Cares: Becoming a Church That Cares Well for the Abused
- EMPOWER: peoplecare.global
- Lydia Discipleship Ministries: Modern Day Slavery and Emotional Shattering
- Rethinking Sexuality: God’s Design and Why It Matters by Juli Slattery
- Released From Shame: Moving Beyond the Pain of the Past by Sandra Wilson
- Healing the Wounded Heart: The Heartbreak of Sexual Abuse and the Hope of Transformation by Dan Allender
- Suffering and the Heart of God: How Trauma Destroys and Christ Restores by Diane Langberg
Intermediate Certificate
The Intermediate Certificate contains everything included in the Basic, with the additional requirement of four more courses and two books. The Intermediate Certificate is invaluable for the person working cross-culturally, in crisis pregnancy centers, or interested in long-term ministry among women.
- All the courses from Basic plus….
- Light University Crisis Response and Trauma Care 101 & 201
- AHA Foundation
- Equipped to Serve: Crisis Pregnancy Resource
- Bondage Breaker: Overcoming Negative Thoughts, Irrational Fears, Habitual Sins by Neil T. Anderson
- Counseling Survivors of Sexual Abuse by Diane Langberg

Advanced Certificate
The Advanced Certificate includes all the above but also requires courses at a Bible School, preferably a minimum of six weeks. Also required is the Long Term Orientation offered at the Ministry Training Center in New York City under Destinations International. The Advanced Certificate gives excellent preparation for the long-term worker cross-culturally and should be the standard for missionaries going on the field to work with women at risk.
- All the courses from Basic and Intermediate plus….
- 6 weeks of Bible School
- 6 weeks of Long Term Orientation at the Ministry Training Center in NYC
We host numerous webinars throughout the term for our trainees and alumni. Occasionally they are open to other attendees. Any upcoming events will be posted here, with registration and schedule information. Our in-person conference information will also be listed here when plans are finalized.